What do Axolotls eat in Minecraft? Breeding & taming guide

In Minecraft, Axolotls are cute aquatic creatures that players come across while exploring the game. These adorable mobs have captured the hearts of players. If you wish to breed and tame them, it’s important to know what Axolotls eat in Minecraft.

Mojang has been actively expanding the Minecraft universe, taking it beyond Bedrock and Dungeons, and recently introducing the exciting Cave and Cliffs expansion. This update delighted players by bringing delightful underwater creatures like Axolotls into the game, providing new and interesting interactions.

Did you know that Axolotls, the adorable amphibians found in lush caves, can be tamed and become underwater mobs? These friendly creatures are incredibly useful in assisting players during aquatic combat. As they have gained popularity among fans, you might be curious about the best ways to earn their trust.

In Minecraft, discover the diet, breeding techniques, and taming methods for Axolotls.

  • In Minecraft, what is the diet of Axolotls?
  • Axolotl Taming Guide
  • The process of breeding Axolotls in Minecraft

What do Axolotls eat in Minecraft

In Minecraft, Axolotls are captivating amphibians that typically dine on tropical fish or buckets filled with tropical fish. These unique creatures were introduced as part of the Caves and Cliffs expansion during the summer of 2021. Players can engage with them just like any other mob within the game.

Tropical fish are known to reproduce in the underwater environments of warm, lukewarm, and deep lukewarm ocean biomes, specifically within the Y=50 to Y=64 altitude range. Additionally, these vibrant fish can also be found spawning in lush caves, alongside the presence of Axolotls.

Mojang Studios

Minecraft is filled with creatures for you to tame.

How to tame an Axolotl

To acquire an Axolotl, simply bring a bucket of water, tap on it, and it will become yours. Axolotls can be tamed, but their taming process differs greatly from that of cats or foxes. Instead of using a lead, players can bring them along.

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Here’s what to do:

    Retrieve a container filled with water. Transport it to the presence of the Axolotl. Gently tap on the Axolotl. Care for the Axolotl as your loyal companion animal.

By replacing the water bucket that contains it in the same manner as when you picked it up, you can place it down again. Axolotls serve as valuable companions, supporting players in various ways such as protecting them from bothersome underwater creatures and assisting them in combat situations.

How to breed Axolotls in Minecraft

In Minecraft, Axolotls can be bred by nourishing them with tropical fish.

Just follow these steps:

  1. Collect a tropical fish.
  2. To bring two Axolotls together, employ either a bucket or a leash.
  3. Offer them either a selection of tropical fish or a whole bucket filled with tropical fish.
  4. After the breeding process, a baby Axolotl is born.

In just 20 minutes, a baby Axolotl undergoes a remarkable transformation into an adult. By offering it fish, you can accelerate this progress, as each tropical fish consumed reduces the time required by 10%. Similar to various other animal mobs, the baby Axolotl trails its parents until it reaches adulthood.

Mojang Studios

You’ll need to get a bucket of fish before breeding the Axolotl.

Horses and various other creatures freely roam the land, offering a diverse range of experiences. However, only a fraction of players have truly explored the vast potential of this world. Despite this, Mojang continues to breathe life into Minecraft by enhancing its multiplayer community and providing consistent updates.

To explore further, take a look at these informative guides.

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