All different Minecraft biomes in 1.20

In Minecraft, the Overworld is teeming with diverse biomes that entice players to embark on endless explorations. Delve into a plethora of enchanting landscapes, ranging from the beloved Savanna and Plains to the captivating Lush Caves and beyond. Discover the extensive assortment of Minecraft biomes, ensuring an adventure that never ceases to amaze.

No matter how long you’ve been playing Minecraft, there is no guarantee that you have explored all the biomes in the game. Even experienced players may have never stumbled upon a mushroom field or are still on the hunt for an Ice Spike biome.

Crafting valuable items such as elevators, beacons, books, anvils, spyglasses, pickaxes, and more is possible by exploiting the abundant resources found in Minecraft biomes. This symbiotic relationship between crafting and open-world exploration ensures that players are constantly motivated to discover new ingredients for their creations.

This comprehensive compilation of all Minecraft biomes empowers you to effortlessly strategize your upcoming escapade while gaining access to a plethora of fresh in-game components.

  • In version 1.20 of Minecraft, what is the total count of biomes available?
  • Here is a rephrased version of the list:

    – Badlands
    – Beach
    – Cherry Grove
    – Desert
    – Forest
    – Jungle
    – Mushroom Fields
    – Ocean
    – Peaks
    – Plains
    – River
    – Savanna
    – Swamp
    – Taiga
    – Caves

How many Minecraft biomes are there in version 1.20?

Starting from version 1.20, Minecraft Java edition boasts a grand total of 14 biomes. Nevertheless, if we account for the diverse variants within each biome, the overall count surges to 63. Similarly, the Bedrock edition features 14 primary biomes, yet when considering their unique variations, the total encompasses 54 biomes.

List of all Minecraft biomes & their variants



Badlands biomes are filled with Terracotta blocks in Minecraft.

Badlands in Minecraft are uncommon warm biomes that offer a plentiful amount of Terracotta. Although these regions are ideal for gathering gold and other crafting resources, they are not suitable for establishing a settlement due to the absence of essential elements such as trees, grass, and water.

In Minecraft, the Badlands are subdivided into:

  • The uppermost layer of the Wooden Badlands is comprised of grass, coarse dirt, and oak trees.
  • The Eroded Badlands showcase Terracotta hoodoos similar to the ones found at Bryce Canyon in the United States.



Beaches can be used for fishing in Minecraft.

Similar to real life, beach biomes in Minecraft generate along the shorelines where land and ocean meet. While these areas may not contain any valuable resources, there is a possibility of discovering shipwrecks and hidden treasures. However, beaches are known for being home to turtles, and this guide will provide instructions on taming and breeding these creatures in Minecraft.

Different types of beach biomes include:

  • Stony Shore is a beach abundant with stones but devoid of sand, making it an unsuitable spawning ground for turtles.
  • A snowy beach is formed at the junction of a snowy biome and the ocean. Turtles do not appear on this type of beach.

Cherry Grove


Minecraft’s Cherry trees are quite beautiful.

In Minecraft’s 1.20 update, the Cherry Grove biome emerges as the newest addition. This enchanting biome showcases numerous Cherry Blossom trees adorned with pink leaves, gracefully curved branches, and delicate pink petals scattered on the ground. Adding to its allure, a captivating particle falling effect enhances the overall beauty. Adventurers can now harvest the cherry wood from these trees, enabling them to craft cherry planks and other wood-based items.



Deserts contain villages and Desert Temples, among other Minecraft structures.

In Minecraft, the desert biome is exceptionally rare and exploring it becomes worthwhile when you stumble upon a desert village. These villages are home to various animals such as cats, cows, sheep, and camels. However, the majority of the biome itself consists of arid land and abundant cacti, which can be utilized to create green dye.



Minecraft has several unique Forest variants.

The forest biome in Minecraft is widely considered as the most prevalent, offering a plentiful abundance of wood, flowers, mushrooms, and grass. These forests serve as excellent sources for gathering essential resources in the early stages of the game. However, it is important to note that dense forests can impede your vision and potentially make it difficult to spot hostile creatures.

There exist various kinds of forests in Minecraft.

  • The birch forest mainly consists of birch trees.
  • The flower forest is predominantly composed of oak trees and various types of flowers.
  • The dark forest is a thick woodland filled with towering dark oak trees that greatly diminish visibility.
  • The Old Growth Birch forest is characterized by its towering birch trees, some reaching heights of up to 14 blocks.
  • Sparse oak and spruce trees can be found in windswept forests.



Minecraft’s Jungle biomes are quite thick and maze-like.

In Minecraft, the Jungle biome resembles a mysterious forest, yet it distinguishes itself with towering jungle trees that can reach heights exceeding 30 blocks. In addition to these colossal trees, explorers can anticipate stumbling upon bamboo, jungle temples or pyramids, cocoa beans, and parrots within this biome.

Here are the various kinds of jungles found in Minecraft:

  • Sparse jungles are characterized by a lower density of vegetation, providing habitats for various mobs such as ocelots, parrots, and pandas.
  • The bamboo jungle is a unique biome found within regular jungles, appearing in scattered patches and abundant with bamboo. The remarkably humid environment of the bamboo jungle greatly increases the likelihood of a lush cave forming beneath its surface.

Mushroom fields


Mushroom Fields are some of the rarest biomes in Minecraft.

Mushroom fields in Minecraft are considered to be one of the most elusive biomes due to their distant location from landmasses and their isolation within deep oceans. These unique islands offer a bountiful array of mushrooms and mycelium, providing an endless supply. Furthermore, the absence of hostile mobs ensures a peaceful experience without any disturbances.

Mooshrooms, mushroom-themed cows, can only be encountered in Mushroom fields, which are characterized by the presence of naturally generated huge mushrooms.



Minecraft’s Ocean biomes are full of secrets.

In Minecraft, the Overworld’s oceans dominate nearly 30% of its total area, establishing them as the most extensive biome within the game. These vast bodies of water are not only home to shipwrecks and ocean ruins, but also harbor a diverse range of aquatic life, including squid, fish, dolphins, and various other sea creatures.

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In Minecraft, the ocean biome consists of a total of eight unique variants.

  • The deep ocean is renowned for its creation of ocean monuments and the presence of various mobs such as guardians and elder guardians. Additionally, one can explore underwater caves and ravines in these vast and mysterious depths.
  • A frozen ocean typically appears close to a snowy shoreline, showcasing icebergs, polar bears, and blue ice.
  • The Deep Frozen Ocean lives up to its name by combining elements of deep oceans and frozen environments. This unique biome boasts a mesmerizing blend of icebergs and ocean monuments awaiting discovery.
  • The cold oceans are found in close proximity to cold regions such as taiga and boreal forests, fostering their growth.
  • The deep cold oceans are characterized by their remarkable depth, being twice as deep as regular cold oceans. Additionally, they also give rise to the formation of ocean monuments.
  • Near jungles, lukewarm oceans form, characterized by sandy ocean ruins instead of rocky ones.
  • The deep lukewarm ocean resembles lukewarm seas, featuring an ocean monument within its depths.
  • Warm oceans are located adjacent to hot biomes such as deserts and badlands. Unlike other ocean types, they do not contain ocean monuments. However, they are renowned for their vibrant coral reefs and abundance of sea pickles.

Mountain peaks


Minecraft’s mountain biomes allow players to reach the height limits of their worlds.

When exploring the mountain peaks in Minecraft, you may encounter various interesting features such as pillager outposts, igloos, goats, emerald ores, coal, or iron. However, these peaks are not very common and their appearance depends on their elevation and slope.

In Minecraft, you can discover three distinct types of mountain slopes.

  • The meadow slope of mountain peaks showcases a grassy sub-biome adorned with an abundance of grass, tall grass, and vibrant flowers. Moreover, one can stumble upon villages and pillager outposts within this picturesque setting.
  • The grove sub-biome, situated on the slope of a mountain peak, resembles a snowy taiga and is home to numerous spruce trees. It is a common habitat for rabbits, wolves, and foxes.
  • The mountain peak, adorned with a glistening snowy slope, is characterized by its barren landscape, inhabited by rabbits and goats. Notably, it is the exclusive biome where igloos can be discovered.

There are four distinct types of Mountain peaks that can be discovered in Minecraft.

  • Jagged Peaks – A snow-capped summit showcasing treasures of gold, coal, emerald, and a population of resilient goats.
  • Frozen Peaks are akin to Jagged Peaks, yet they are distinguished by the presence of glaciers made up of compacted ice.
  • Stony Peaks offers a more temperate alternative to the icy and rugged peaks, boasting a wealth of ores waiting to be discovered.
  • The Meadow biome resembles a Plains biome, but it is situated at a higher elevation and adorned with numerous vibrant flowers and clusters of tall grass.



Plains biomes are adored by the Minecraft community.

The plains biome is one of the most frequently encountered landscapes in Minecraft, often appearing alongside forests. These grassy lands are predominantly filled with oak trees, buzzing with bees and their nests. Additionally, one can stumble upon horses, villages, and even pillager outposts within this biome.

Another type of plain is known as the Sunflower Plains, distinguished by its abundant growth of sunflower plants. Despite this distinction, the spawning rates of mobs and other characteristics remain the same.



Minecraft’s rivers are great ways to find aquifers or oceans.

In Minecraft, rivers are a prevalent biome that typically divides different biomes and flows into the vast oceans. Within rivers, you will frequently encounter salmon and squid, which are the predominant aquatic creatures. Moreover, riverbeds serve as excellent locations to acquire seagrass, gravel, and clay resources.

Sugarcane, commonly found near river banks, is utilized in paper production.

In the Minecraft Overworld, you have the opportunity to encounter various types of rivers.

  • Frozen rivers are typically located in snowy areas and are essentially the same as regular rivers, except for the presence of a layer of ice on the surface.



Savanna biomes are often found near deserts, forests, or plains biomes.

It is easy to identify the Savanna biome in Minecraft because of its tall grass and abundance of acacia trees. Even the villages in this biome are furnished with acacia furniture.

The Savanna biome stands out in numerous ways. It exclusively hosts the natural growth of acacia trees and serves as a habitat where horses and llamas coexist. Additionally, it is fascinating to note that rainfall is absent within Savanna biomes.

In Minecraft, there are various versions of the Savanna biome.

  • A Savanna Plateau refers to a Savanna biome that emerges across a plateau or beneath a snowy mountain. It is important to note that villages and pillager outposts do not appear in this type of terrain.
  • The Windswept Savanna is the most densely populated biome in Minecraft, appearing at the summits of towering peaks. It showcases a variety of geographical elements, such as scattered grass patches, rocky formations, floating islands, cascading waterfalls, and streams of flowing lava.



You can find Slimes in Minecraft’s Swamps.

In Minecraft, a swamp biome is composed of water, fossils, level ground, abundant tall grass, clay deposits, mushrooms, blue orchids, lily pads, dangling vines, seagrass, sugar cane, and towering oak trees. Nevertheless, the most remarkable feature of this biome is an enchanting swamp hut that harbors a mysterious witch and her faithful black cat.

The mangrove swamp is a unique type of biome found exclusively in swamps. Unlike other swamp biomes, it does not contain swamp huts and is characterized by an abundance of mangrove trees.



Taiga biomes often harbor villages in Minecraft.

In Minecraft, the taiga biome is a harmonious blend of lush jungles and dense forests, making it an ideal starting point for your survival journey. This biome stands out for its abundant plant and animal life, which is conveniently within reach, offering a fruitful exploration experience.

In Minecraft, there are various taiga biomes to explore.

  • The snow taiga is essentially a taiga forest adorned with spruce trees, ferns, white foxes, and wolves, except for one notable distinction – a pristine layer of snow blankets every element of this enchanting landscape.
  • The Old Growth taiga is a bioregion characterized by the presence of ancient and towering trees within the taiga biome.
  • The Old Growth pine taiga is a biome characterized by the presence of aged and towering pine trees.
  • The Old Growth spruce taiga is a biome characterized by the presence of ancient and towering spruce trees.



Lush Caves are some of the most beautiful cave biome variants in Minecraft.

In Minecraft, caves are frequently discovered below the surface and serve as the optimal location to obtain ores. These caves can be classified into three primary types of biomes:

  • In dripstone caves, you can find an abundance of both dripstone blocks and sharp dripstone formations.
  • Ancient cities can exclusively be found in deep, dark caves that are abundant with sculk blocks and other sculk materials.
  • Axalea trees are known for their enchanting lush caves, which are renowned for their remarkable flora and fauna. Notably, these caves are home to the fascinating axolotls.

That concludes all the essential information about each significant Minecraft biome and their respective variations. If you want to explore more content related to this popular sandbox game, feel free to visit:

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– Obtaining a saddle in Minecraft.
– Crafting a lectern in Minecraft.
– Cultivating mushrooms in Minecraft.
– Crafting a compass in Minecraft.
– Changing your Minecraft username.
– Creating a bed in Minecraft.
– Dyeing leather armor in Minecraft.
– Curing a Zombie villager in Minecraft.
– Crafting and utilizing a beacon in Minecraft.