Are Apex Legends servers down? Current server status

Similar to many other popular multiplayer games, Apex Legends also experiences server problems. Fortunately, we have discovered an effective method for players to verify the status of their respective servers. Allow us to explain how you can determine whether the Apex Legends servers are currently experiencing downtime.

Apex Legends Season 18 introduces an array of fresh content, including a revamp for Revenant and adjustments to weapons with buffs and nerfs. Historically, significant updates have posed server problems for the developers. Nevertheless, in recent times, players have experienced a relatively seamless gaming experience.

Despite recent stability in the servers, players frequently come across these issues and might question if the problem lies with their own devices.

Should you come across any server issues, we offer a superb method for you to verify the status of the Apex Legends servers.

  • Are the servers of Apex Legends experiencing an outage?
  • To determine if the Apex Legends servers are experiencing any issues, follow these steps:
  • Here’s an alternative phrasing: “A guide on verifying the real-time status of Apex Legends servers.”
Respawn Entertainment

Apex Legends players will sometimes experience server issues.

Are Apex Legends servers down?

On August 9, 2023, numerous Apex Legends players have been experiencing connectivity problems as they face difficulties in establishing a connection with the game’s servers.

Not all players are affected, but the majority of reports are related to PC, particularly on Steam, as stated by apexlegendsstatus. However, there are some reports indicating that the problems have been resolved. Therefore, if you have experienced issues, it is advisable to keep trying as you will likely gain access soon.

How to check if the Apex Legends servers are down

To stay informed about the status of Apex Legends servers, it is highly recommended to keep track of updates shared on the official Apex Legends Twitter account and by the Respawn development team.

Typically, one of those accounts will be responsible for keeping players informed about any ongoing server problems and maintaining communication. Additionally, you can also stay updated on all things Apex-related by following our dedicated Apex Legends Twitter account, alphaINTEL.

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If you don’t use Twitter or haven’t found any update regarding the status of Apex Legends servers, it’s possible that the issues you’re facing are specific to your setup or region.

How to check Apex Legends’ live server status

You can easily determine if the issues you are facing with Apex Legends are regional or caused by your internet service provider by checking the status of the regional server through a reliable method.

You can achieve this by utilizing a convenient website known as apexlegendsstatus. This website offers comprehensive information on server status across various regions and platforms where you can play the game.


Get an overview of the Apex Legends Servers with the apexlegendsstatus website.

The website provides information on the latency (measured in milliseconds) of each server, indicating their level of stability.

Additionally, you have the option to report any issues that have not been widely acknowledged on the website. These reports will be included in a live report map that allows you to check if others in your area are encountering the same problem.

If you are experiencing any difficulties, visit this website to determine if the platform or server you are using is encountering issues. If both the platform and server are functioning properly, then the problem can be attributed to your setup.

So, now you know the most effective method to check the status of the Apex Legends server. If you want to explore more about Apex, take a look at our extensive collection of guides below.

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