Elden Ring: How to reach max level

Farming Runes and various other items in Elden Ring is key to advancing your level, which directly impacts your progress in the game. To help you reach the maximum level, we have prepared a comprehensive guide.

At the beginning of your Elden Ring journey, you embark without the presence of a Maiden. Progress in the game hinges on players interacting with Melina, the Finger Maiden, in order to unlock the ability to level up. While initially unavailable, leveling up is a crucial task that must be accomplished during gameplay.

The effectiveness of the weapons and magic you can wield against challenging bosses in Elden Ring is directly linked to your level. Progressing and improving your level is a straightforward process of obtaining Runes scattered throughout the open world. However, for optimal efficiency, it is advisable to keep track of items that enhance your experience points (XP) and defeat enemies while utilizing them.

With that said, let’s delve into comprehensive details about the maximum level attainable in Elden Ring and the methods to reach it.

  • Finding Melina in Elden Ring can be accomplished by following these steps:

    1. Begin by exploring the game’s vast open world and familiarizing yourself with the different regions and landmarks.

    2. Pay close attention to any hints or clues provided in the game’s storyline or through non-playable characters (NPCs) you encounter along your journey.

    3. Engage in conversations with NPCs and inquire about Melina’s whereabouts. They may provide valuable information or quests that lead you closer to finding her.

    4. Explore various dungeons, caves, or hidden areas that might hold secrets related to Melina’s location. Be thorough in your exploration, as Elden Ring is known for its intricate level design.

    5. Keep an eye out for any unique or distinct visual cues that could indicate Melina’s presence, such as specific symbols or objects associated with her character.

    6. Consult online forums, guides, or community discussions where players share their experiences and tips on finding Melina. Other players may have already uncovered clues or discovered hidden paths that lead to her.

    7. Be patient and persistent in your search. Elden Ring is a challenging game that rewards thorough exploration and perseverance.

    By following these steps and remaining determined, you’ll increase your chances of finding Melina in Elden Ring and progressing further in the game’s captivating storyline.
  • How high can you level up in Elden Ring?
  • Tips for quickly leveling up in Elden Ring
  • Top farming spots for Runes in Elden Ring
  • Ways to acquire additional Runes in Elden Ring

How to find Melina in Elden Ring

In order to locate Melina, you must explore three distinct Sites of Grace within Elden Ring. Once you reach the third Site of Grace and take a moment to rest, Melina herself will manifest before you. In return for Runes, she will bestow upon you the coveted power of Strength.

You have the freedom to distribute Strength across various attributes and enhance your character according to your preferred style of play.

What is the max level in Elden Ring?

By reaching a maximum level of 713, players can enhance each attribute to a maximum of 99 in Elden Ring. However, upon fully maximizing all attributes, the ability to utilize Runes becomes unavailable.

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However, it should be noted that reaching level 710 is not necessary to complete Elden Ring. Surprisingly, the game can be beaten with characters at a lower level, around 120-130. Many players have reported being close to level 150 when facing the final boss.

How to level up fast in Elden Ring

In Elden Ring, players can enhance their level through two methods: by either farming Runes or discovering items that amplify the quantity of Runes obtained after defeating foes.

Best locations to farm Runes in Elden Ring

By triumphing over adversaries in various locations within Elden Ring, players can amass an enormous quantity of Runes.

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Come and explore the Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow in Elden Ring, where you can also venture to the Farum Greatbridge Site of Grace. In these locations, you will encounter cunning enemies that can be stealthily attacked from behind. The best part is that for each successful kill, you will be rewarded with an impressive sum of 1000 Runes.

The precise location of the Farum Greatbridge Site of Grace is indicated in the image provided:


Embark on an adventure through the Limgrave region of Elden Ring and delve into the depths of Stormhill Castle to confront formidable Trolls. These adversaries possess formidable health points, and vanquishing even a single Troll can swiftly reward you with a minimum of 1000 Runes.

Mohgwhyn’s Palace

To acquire 40,000 Runes per minute in Elden Ring, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Finish the Varre questline.
  2. To access Mohgwhyn’s Palace, utilize the Pureblood Knight’s medal.
  3. Trace the course of the river tainted by blood until you arrive at a Location of Serenity. Engage its power.

In close proximity to Grace’s location, there are slumbering Albinaurics who, when eliminated, will reward you with 2000 Runes. A collective cluster of Albinaurics inhabits this region, and you have the ability to awaken them individually by launching attacks. Additionally, there are four guards stationed in the area, but dispatching them is not a challenging endeavor given their sluggish attack speed.

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In total, you will acquire more than 40,000 Runes from defeating the enemies in this area. Furthermore, you have the option to reset at the Site of Grace and repeat the process indefinitely.

The precise spot of the farming region can be found within this image.

Equipping items such as the Gold Scarab is the most effective method for farming Runes in Elden Ring. In the following list, we have provided all the items that enhance XP in the game, thereby increasing the number of Runes obtained upon defeating enemies.

Items to get more Runes in Elden Ring

Obtaining these items in Elden Ring enhances your ability to acquire Runes.

Item Effect How to get
Gold-Pickled Fowl Foot Increases the Runes you get after defeating opponents for about three minutes Crafting
Gold Scarab Increases the amount of Runes you get from defeating opponents Defeat two bosses at the end of the Abandoned Cave in Caelid
Celebrant’s Skull Grants 20 Runes on a successful hit On a corpse at Altus Plateau
Celebrant’s Cleaver Grants 10 Runes on a successful hit Enemies in Dominula, Windmill village drop it
Celebrant’s Sickle Grants 10 Runes on a successful hit Rare drop from enemies in Dominula, Windmill village
Celebrant’s Rib-Rake Grants 10 Runes on a successful hit Rare drop from Celebrants of Dominula, Windmill village

We believe that this guide will assist you in swiftly leveling up in Elden Ring. With diligent Rune farming, even reaching level 713 is an achievable feat. If you’re interested in similar guides for RPGs, be sure to explore the highly sought-after Genshin Impact characters, the finest artifacts in Genshin Impact, and the comprehensive list of Sakura Bloom locations.

Image Credits: FromSoftware